A 5-step guide to importing shaders from Reality Composer Pro into Xcode:


  1. Create and Export Your Shader in Reality Composer Pro
  2. Verify Project Structure
  3. Import Required Dependencies
import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import RealityKitContent

  1. Load the Shader Material in Code
let shaderGraphMaterial = try await ShaderGraphMaterial(
    named: "/Root/YourShaderName",
    from: "YourFile.usda",
    in: realityKitContentBundle

  1. Apply the Shader to a 3D Object
let object = ModelEntity(
    mesh: .generateBox(size: 0.4),
    materials: [shaderGraphMaterial]

All these steps must be completed correctly for the shader to work properly in your visionOS application. The most common issues arise from incorrect paths or missing exports, so double-check these if you encounter problems.

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